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Rurality in Barcelonna ?

- EMiLA Programme // Barcelone -

In my approach of Barcelona I was wondering where was the rurality in a such big and extended city. Because before to find a dysfunctional point between urbanity and rurality it was important to find this rurality. Then I search for the definition. The definition of the rurality is mainly defined by two factors: the percentage of agriculture and the number of inhabitant by Km2. With this two factor we can find rurality really cloth in Barcelona. But can rurality exist in a Megapolis as Barcelona, where transport can bring you at more than 100 km in less than one hour and half, in a «rural space»?

Theses different maps can propose a new vision of this space. The rurality is not only the opposition of urban as we can see here, and it’s more than just a number of inhabitant or hectares of land. With the new urbanisation, rurality could also be a part of the city. Agriculture and low habitant density are here a part of the urbanisation. 


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